Camp Odayin changes lives. That’s quite a bold statement, but after 20+ years supporting thousands of heart heroes and their families, we know it’s true. Helping to shape the lives of young people living with heart disease is a gift we don’t take lightly.
Campers tell us: because of Camp Odayin, their mental health is better, they have more confidence, they’ve met lifelong friends who “get it”. These amazingly strong and resilient people are the inspiration for all that we do.

Because of Camp Odayin…
“I have become proud to have a congenital heart defect. I have met so many people like me and it is a place where everyone understands each other.”
“I’ve found ‘my people’. I finally feel like I fit in.”
“I realized there are many more kids with heart problems than I thought. It makes me feel glad because I felt like I was the only one for so long.”
“I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to meet some wonderful people who are now some of my closest friends. I’m able to fit in for once and not feel all awkward because I’m the only one like me.”
“I have become more open about my condition and I feel less alone with the knowledge that there are others with similar experiences.”
Our Reach

The Value of Camp
At camp we teach important skills such as adaptability, flexibility, leadership, teamwork, and problem solving. Camp helps move young people along the path of identity formation by doing the following:

When we do these three things, we help children emerge as confident, resourceful and caring young adults. – American Camp Association magazine – January/February 2022. Stephen Gray Wallace
Creating a Heart Family

I encourage my patients to attend Camp Odayin because I believe in their mission. After 17 years of exposure to campers, volunteers and staff, I have observed the benefits of having a community or a ‘heart family’ that come from going to camp. My patients feel included and not different because of their heart condition. They have a clear increase in self-confidence. Camp Odayin is a valuable partner in holistically healing hearts by cultivating belonging, self-confidence and bonding with other heart patients. By engaging the whole family, I see “healing” that is beyond meds, procedures and surgeries.
Dr. Charlie Baker, Volunteer Camp Cardiologist

Camp Odayin has been a place where my son has gone from feeling “other” (living in a rural community where sports are the most important thing) to being a part of a larger community where is cared about and people always seek to see the best in him. When you look for the best in a kid – that’s what comes out. It has boosted his confidence in numerous ways, like creating friendships with older and younger kids as well as relationships with counselors. As a family Camp Odayin has become a bright spot for us – it’s a supportive community of people who just ‘get it’.
Meagan, parent of a 12 year old camper

Increasing Heart Smarts

When the pandemic hit we were bummed because Amiyah was so looking forward to her second time at Residential Camp, but Camp Odayin quickly shifted and offered so many virtual experiences that she was able to continue to grow through this experience. I love the educational, yet fun opportunities they provide for them and we hear all about them for weeks after she attends an event. She has learned more about her heart condition, some healthy habits and is more vocal during her appointments. Thank you Camp Odayin for providing such an amazing experience for our heart kids!
Parent of a 16 year old camper, Amiyah
Welcoming All

Camp Odayin changed my life forever. Camp showed me that its okay to be different and that it’s okay to have scars. At camp you feel welcomed, loved and included.
Gabrielle, former camper